Completed projects of our organization

The hand-to-hand organization has had a high and good hand in a number of important and necessary areas and has risen to the occasion by building several projects and opening several sections of hospitals and public places and constantly trying to pinpoint its finger.

The scale of our work and the background of our work are based on the degree of need and accuracy of the topics.

Our work is based on the demands and demands of the tool and the material side needed for the work.

We decide to cooperate on the basis of need and accuracy, and on the conditions and conditions of the subjects to provide for the well-being of the underprivileged and the orphans and those we know as necessary.


Collaborative hand organization

Our organization has continued and will continue to build lana bread and create projects and lana for all the places and people we need and the places we need to reach out to as much as we can, both in the present and in the future.

Where and when to carry out projects specific to our organization.

Job Posting Title Location Department Date
Adam Market Erbil Projects March 27, 2020
Erbil Medical University Student Training Course for Turkey Erbil Projects March 27, 2020
More than a hundred thousand Iraqi refugees are assisting Erbil Projects March 27, 2020
Droman factory in Soran city for families of martyrs and the poor Soran Projects March 27, 2020
Opening the dental section of Nanakali Hospital Erbil Projects March 27, 2020
Irrigation in Erbil and Mosul Erbil and Mosul Projects March 27, 2020

You can participate in the creation and construction of projects with us

Also available in: kuKurdishenEnglisharArabic