To send your donations or contact us

Who are we

It is a completely independent non-governmental            organization dedicated to serving the whole of China and the layers of our society regardless of religion or race.
Find out more


The only criterion for our giving is the need and accuracy of the situation of the owners.


We work skillfully and with a wealth of experience to implement and improve the lives of the community.


Voluntary service is available to those who need it.

The field of work of our organization

Our organization works to the best of its ability in the service of individuals and communities regardless of religion or race.

Health Affairs

In terms of health care, we help reduce the incidence of illnesses by coordinating with hospitals and doctors, and sometimes by sending patients out of the country.

Orphans and the poor

Our organization has been a constant source of help and support to the orphans.

Job opportunities and small projects

We have greatly facilitated the discovery and communication of new people through academic institutions by opening special courses and courses in our organization.

Development and training

Teaching a person how to fish is better than giving him or her a fish through a series of workshops, workshops, and courses, giving him or her the skills he or she deserves.

Public Relations Announcement

Our organization has been a constant partner of government agencies through the construction of buildings and the provision of necessary equipment.

Seasonal project

Our organization has been very supportive in this area. We have been very supportive in the humanitarian field.

We innovate in charitable work and follow up
We are looking for inventors

If you can’t do a great job then you can become a chick in a big job

Our news and articles

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